Author: admin

  • How I learned to stop worrying and love my clay soil

    How I learned to stop worrying and love my clay soil



    Clay soil can be a bit of a boogeyman in horticulture sometimes. You might watch Monty Don and his lovely, loamy and free draining soil that is effortless for him to plant into and then go into your own garden and feel like you need to employ a JCB to dig a hole for a…

  • 5 Stand-out plants from RHS Hampton Court 2024

    5 Stand-out plants from RHS Hampton Court 2024



    RHS Hampton Court 2024 has just finished, and I had a chance to visit recently whilst dodging the downpours. In those moments of dry calm weather I spent my time around the show gardens. These are my take aways from the designs I saw… There were plenty more incredible plants and combinations on display at…

  • Hire an expert: Summer pruning guidance

    Hire an expert: Summer pruning guidance

    Summer is upon us even if the weather is a bit dull and grey as I write this. Now and in the next few weeks is a great time to prune certain plants. Summer pruning for better flowersOur first example is Wisteria. It’s pruned twice a year, and the summer prune reduces vigour, opens up…

  • Save our wildlife: Choosing plants for pollinators this Summer

    Save our wildlife: Choosing plants for pollinators this Summer

    We hear the plight of the bee on a regular basis, but it isn’t just bee’s that pollinate our flowers, fruit and veg crops. Hoverflies, Moths, Beetles, Butterflies and even Wasps are essential for pollination in the UK. Almost all flowering plants are in some way attractive to pollinators, as if they weren’t, the plants…

  • Front garden make-over in Leighton Buzzard

    Front garden make-over in Leighton Buzzard

    A few months ago I was tasked with creating a front garden in Leighton Buzzard. The brief was a modern, clean and low maintenance look that would cope in the wind, as it is situated in a bit of a wind tunnel. Starting off as long grass, with poorly placed utillity covers in the middle…

  • Hire an expert: Saving your Box hedges from Box Tree Moth

    Hire an expert: Saving your Box hedges from Box Tree Moth

    Box tree moth caterpillar (Cydalima perspectalis), also known as Box moth, Box tree moth and Buxus moth is an all-too-common pest of the humble box hedge, Buxus sempervirens. And right now its active in Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire. Having dealt with it for clients in the last week I thought it was a great time to…